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Monthly Archives: June 2013

Risking It All for All the Beauty of It

June 2013 |

Creating something out of nothing is scary. What do you risk and how much? Don’t ask Katie Chang owner of the Williamsburg beauty boutique Miomia. She’s comfortable with risk. She quit her corporate job, moved to Brooklyn and opened Miomia … Read More

Push Culture Meets Art in Billy Burg

June 2013 |

Bustin Boards is a fixture in the New York City push culture. And they’re growing. When we first met the longboarding company some years ago they only had the one store on Grand Avenue in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. Now … Read More

Creatives Anonymous

June 2013 |

Creatives Anonymous Help for Creatives and Those Who Love Them

Making money, building your empire can be daunting work so who wants to come home to another set of problems? To avoid that it’s best if you create relationships that … Read More

The Evolution of a Creative Entrepreneur -Hickies

June 2013 |

Kickstarter goal of $25,000 met in 3 days. Campaign goes on to net almost $135,000 more for a total of $160,000.

Who says no to that? As it turns out investors, factories, and retailers.

As entrepreneurs … Read More