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SUPER HARBOR | July 2024

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Coworking Spaces BK Style: Colab Factory

March 2017 |

If it seems like a new co-working space is opening up every year it’s because they are. Hard pressed to find one five years ago in Brooklyn there is currently almost 30 spread throughout the borough. Colab Factory is … Read More

Two HR Managers Demystify The Job Search

August 2015 |

While working at Compound Cowork’s Work Exchange Program I had the opportunity to collaboratively plan an event-Career Night At The CC. One of a co-working spaces greatest resources are their members and this Prospect-Lefferts Garden space was no exception with a … Read More

Straighten Out Your Business With These Events For The End of August

August 2015 |

When you spend 99.9999% of your waking moments building something from scratch time, becomes an even more precious commodity than when you were filing taxes with W-2s. To save some precious moments I’ve culled five events for the next two weeks happening in Brooklyn … Read More

Coworking Space Makeshift Society Closing After A Year

August 2015 |

No trend, or business is immune from the laws of supply and demand. Even with coworking’s booming growth throughout Brooklyn one of the latest coworking spaces is saying goodbye. Last week in a newsletter Makeshift Society founders Rena Tom and Bryan Boyer announced the coworking … Read More

Making a Unicorn More Common- Black Women in STEM

October 2014 |

Job and wealth opportunities have opened up in Brooklyn with the advent of technology. How well that wealth has been spread across the borough’s diverse demographic is another matter. Lack of diversity within the tech nationally has been … Read More

Remote Working from Brooklyn: Make The Most of the Coffee Shop

October 2014 |

Modern work culture tells us that we have to spend every minute of our nine-to-five working in an office — one that may be loud, distraction-prone, and uninspiring. Now that startups and companies that embrace flexibility are becoming more prevalent, … Read More

Former Neighbors Bring Community and Coworking to Prospect Lefferts Gardens

September 2014 |

Before opening the first co-working space in Prospect Lefferts Gardens the three co-owners, Aki and Ron Baker and Rebecca Levin were neighbors for years in a loft building in Bed-Stuy.

“Their front door faced my front door and we shared … Read More

Startup Smackdown Makespace vs urBin

July 2014 |

Competition in startups is fierce. Lyft and Uber use cutthroat methods to poach each others drivers. Startups spend a large amount of their marketing and user acquisition dollars not trying to be the next Path.

Even if you do get … Read More

First Co-Working Space in Flatbush Opens

June 2014 |

Flatbush formerly bereft of co-working spaces is welcoming its first-the Compound Cowork.

Run by a community-minded trio, Compound Cowork had a free day of co-working, from 1pm-8pm, this past Saturday to officially commemorate their opening. Normally, a day of co-working … Read More

Is Northside Really Serving Up Innovation?

June 2014 |

Durn it! We (and by that I mean I) were too busy going on an OkCupid date to enjoy the Northside Festival this weekend. That and we’re more into the underdogs than top dogs. Luckily for us The Bedford + … Read More