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SUPER HARBOR | July 2024

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Ayaba’s Breathing Easy in Park Slope

May 2013 |

While new businesses are a bundle of joy the growing pains are undeniable. At this time in a business’s life span it’s even more necessary to be resourceful and take advantage of every asset a small business owner … Read More

The Evolution of a Creative Entrepreneur-The Brooklyn Swirl Way

April 2013 |

Don’t let success elude you. Entrepreneurs attain it through different products, and business structures, but the basics remain the same. Super Harbor breaks down what makes a successful business with help from Jean Alerte of Brooklyn Swirl.

Company: Brooklyn Swirl, … Read More

Best Links for the Digital Marketing Life

April 2013 |

The Difference Between a Social Media Strategy and Social Media Campaign [Link]

How Content Marketing + Social Media = Killer SEO [Infographic]

No Sleep Till Brooklyn: Inside MTV’s Social Media Campaign for the VMA’s [Link]

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365 Social: NYC Presents Brian Murray

April 2013 |

More From This Issue

The Evolution of A Creative Entrepreneur- The Brooklyn Swirl Way

365 Social NYC Presents Brian Murray of Likeable Media

The Best Links For The Digital Marketing Life

What The Heck Is A … Read More

What The Heck is a Digital Media Strategist?

April 2013 | 2

Mention bus driver, fashion designer or writer and we know what they do and have a feel for what they look like. The random bus driver in our head wears a uniform. The fashion designer is trendy and fashionable … Read More

The Bar Friends and Family Built in Williamsburg

March 2013 |

“We could do nothing this year or we can pull our resources together and open a business,” recounted Matthew Ricke. And “Brandon always wanted to open a bar.” It was unanimous. After Matthew, co-owner Brandon Chamberlain and a few other … Read More

Digital Marketing Strategy for Local Businesses

March 2013 |

Gone are the days in which local businesses take out an ad in the paper and call it a day. You don’t go to your butcher for tonight’s meal. You don’t go to the bakery for today’s bread. Mom and … Read More

The Evolution of a Brooklyn Distiller-Jack From Brooklyn

March 2013 |

Entrepreneurs know. You can consume it in a few gulps, sips or bites, but the road to our favorite foods and drinks getting to our mouths is a journey in of itself. Today, we’re taking a look at one entrepreneur … Read More

The Proof’s In The Whiskey

March 2013 |

Does following your passion always lead to success? Does Brooklyn’s rapidly changing landscape help or hinder small businesses? We talked to small business owner Colin Spoelman of the Kings County Distillery in the Brooklyn Navy Yard about his and co-owner … Read More