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SUPER HARBOR | July 2024

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Digital Media

What to Say in Social Media- Barbershop Edition 1-20

September 2013 |

As a small business owner you realize the importance of social media. “50% of small business owners reported gaining new customers through social media – most notably through Facebook and LinkedIn.”


But, a whooping “74% of businesses don’t employ … Read More

What MKG, HUGE and 99U Have In Common With Mother’s Day

May 2013 |

Scrolling through my Twitter feed I noticed the logo of a few brands used the color pink. What struck me the most was that all three were in similar industries; two are digital agencies, MKG and HUGE, and the … Read More

Best Links for the Digital Marketing Life

April 2013 |

The Difference Between a Social Media Strategy and Social Media Campaign [Link]

How Content Marketing + Social Media = Killer SEO [Infographic]

No Sleep Till Brooklyn: Inside MTV’s Social Media Campaign for the VMA’s [Link]

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365 Social: NYC Presents Brian Murray

April 2013 |

More From This Issue

The Evolution of A Creative Entrepreneur- The Brooklyn Swirl Way

365 Social NYC Presents Brian Murray of Likeable Media

The Best Links For The Digital Marketing Life

What The Heck Is A … Read More

What The Heck is a Digital Media Strategist?

April 2013 | 2

Mention bus driver, fashion designer or writer and we know what they do and have a feel for what they look like. The random bus driver in our head wears a uniform. The fashion designer is trendy and fashionable … Read More

Digital Marketing Strategy for Local Businesses

March 2013 |

Gone are the days in which local businesses take out an ad in the paper and call it a day. You don’t go to your butcher for tonight’s meal. You don’t go to the bakery for today’s bread. Mom and … Read More