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SUPER HARBOR | July 2024

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Hair, Beauty and Style

What to Say in Social Media- Barbershop Edition 1-20

September 2013 |

As a small business owner you realize the importance of social media. “50% of small business owners reported gaining new customers through social media – most notably through Facebook and LinkedIn.”


But, a whooping “74% of businesses don’t employ … Read More

The Evolution of a Creative Entrepreneur-Persons of Interest

July 2013 |

Do you need previous experience to make your vision happen? While it’s great to have when embarking on a new venture, in the right circumstances, it’s only secondary. For Steve Marks it wasn’t so much about experience as it was … Read More

Risking It All for All the Beauty of It

June 2013 |

Creating something out of nothing is scary. What do you risk and how much? Don’t ask Katie Chang owner of the Williamsburg beauty boutique Miomia. She’s comfortable with risk. She quit her corporate job, moved to Brooklyn and opened Miomia … Read More

The Evolution of a Creative Entrepreneur -Hickies

June 2013 |

Kickstarter goal of $25,000 met in 3 days. Campaign goes on to net almost $135,000 more for a total of $160,000.

Who says no to that? As it turns out investors, factories, and retailers.

As entrepreneurs … Read More

How the Williamsburg Seamster Comes Out on Top

May 2013 |

Brands are not reserved for companies with expensive ad campaigns and Super Bowl commercials. With a unique take in an established industry perhaps nobody can demonstrate that better than Nayantara Banerjee aka The Williamsburg Seamster. You’ve read about her in Refinery … Read More

Ayaba’s Breathing Easy in Park Slope

May 2013 |

While new businesses are a bundle of joy the growing pains are undeniable. At this time in a business’s life span it’s even more necessary to be resourceful and take advantage of every asset a small business owner … Read More