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SUPER HARBOR | July 2024

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Beta Test for Free #BeerandBiscuits This Saturday in Brooklyn

Beta Test for Free #BeerandBiscuits This Saturday in Brooklyn
Fikriyyah George

Beta testing is about to get super fun for you and your dog in Brooklyn this weekend.  Dogolog is giving away free beer and biscuits at the their aptly titled #BiscuitsandBeer BBQ to those who agree to beta test the new social networking app this Saturday, May 31 in the Prospects Heights neighborhood of Brooklyn.

Dogolog, headed by Brooklyn native Colin McCabe, will allow dog owners to share photos and connect with other dog lovers in the borough.

You’ll need to sign a non-disclosure agreement and have an iPhone amongst a few of the requirements before you can partake in the freebie festivities which include Dogolog’s app and collar.

Other than sharing your Pekingese hamming it up for the camera,  the app will allow owners to monitor their dog’s health presumably through the collar.


Dogolog logo

A dog owner himself Colin wants to “attract digital-savvy dogs (and owners) that want to help a Brooklyn startup get ready for a major product rollout” for this Saturday’s BBQ.

While an Android version will come out in Christmas there’s no word yet on when  the app will officially debut.

If you don’t have a dog you can still come for the beer provided you RSVP and give a donation.

Saturday, May 31 2014
238 St. Marks Ave.

Additional reporting by Janét Uzzell.

Image from Flickr user Paul Lovine


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