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SUPER HARBOR | July 2024

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small business

Brooklyn’s Most Iconic Brands

February 2014 |

Brooklyn is famous the world over. There are instances in Italy, France, Dubai, and Malaysia of food industry to menswear naming their products after this special borough whether or not they actually have an affiliation other than an intense crush.

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What to Say in Social Media- Barbershop Edition 1-20

September 2013 |

As a small business owner you realize the importance of social media. “50% of small business owners reported gaining new customers through social media – most notably through Facebook and LinkedIn.”


But, a whooping “74% of businesses don’t employ … Read More

Push Culture Meets Art in Billy Burg

June 2013 |

Bustin Boards is a fixture in the New York City push culture. And they’re growing. When we first met the longboarding company some years ago they only had the one store on Grand Avenue in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. Now … Read More

The Evolution of a Brooklyn Distiller-Jack From Brooklyn

March 2013 |

Entrepreneurs know. You can consume it in a few gulps, sips or bites, but the road to our favorite foods and drinks getting to our mouths is a journey in of itself. Today, we’re taking a look at one entrepreneur … Read More